Thursday, October 29, 2009

I was laid off in August (and February)

I started my career in printing in the mid 80's as a stripper. No, this wasn't some sort of exotic dancer. This was the person who took art boards and photos, shot them on a process camera and stripped them in position so that could be burned to a printing plate and the plates could be hung on a press and stuff was printed and this stuff was sent off as direct mail and this stuff was thrown out. Basically you could say a stripper did everything Adobe Creative suite does now but back then it was fun because it took more skill than just pushing a mouse around. believe me, I do know about pushing a mouse around and using Adobe Creative suite.

Lets see, where was I when I started on my rant? Oh yeah, I was a stripper when printing was fun then Adobe, Apple and Quark came around and printing started to be unfun because I spent all my time pushing a mouse around.

I had my mid life crisis and moved clear across the country and left a job I had for 12 years (I had seniority) and started working for another printing company where I didn't have seniority.

Then came the financial melt down of '08 and '09 and guess what, Snotty Scotty got laid off in February. Don't fret, after just one month on the street my former employer was again my employer. Well maybe you should fret because after just an short time I was again laid off.

I'm hoping this lay off will end up being a good thing because I really am ready to put my printing career behind me. I've been polishing my resume and trying to find a new career to go into. I've even tried to use some of my experience looking for job to help other job seekers. I even wrote a squidoo lens about using a job fair to your advantage.

So, I guess you could say Snotty Scotty's journey is to discover what lies ahead without a career in printing.